Corporate Social Responsibility

As a Travel Retail operator serving hundreds of thousands of passengers every day, we must adapt the way we do business in order to contribute to building a more sustainable industry.

Our CSR strategy, PEPS (Planet.Ethics.People.Social), is aligned to the global stakes the travel retail industry is facing and is at the heart of our strategy and decision-making. 

In 2021, we have established an ambitious roadmap to improve our environmental impact faster and have a greater positive impact on the communities we serve. We have set clear targets to measure the progress made towards fulfilling our commitments. These are fully aligned with our stakeholders’ needs and expectations and are monitored and communicated on a yearly basis in the Lagardère Group extra-financial reporting. Among them is a commitment to contribute to carbon neutrality since the end of 2023 (scopes 1 & 2), and we target to reach net zero emissions for all 3 scopes ahead of 2050.

Find out here more information on our Corporate brochure.

Our ambition is clear: to play a leading role in the transition of the Travel Retail industry to a more sustainable model.


We are reducing the environmental impact of our operations, cooperating whenever possible with Landlords, Brands, and Suppliers to achieve ambitious industry goals.

To reduce our environmental footprint and increase the sustainability of our operations, we are committed to:

  • Reducing carbon emissions contributing to ambitious industry targets
  • Reducing waste
  • Promoting responsible packaging and disposables

Our 2025 targets:

  • 100% of countries have waste measurement systems and waste reduction initiatives in place
  • 100% of countries have switched to responsible consumables


We are promoting ethical business practices and supporting Brands and Partners who contribute to a responsible offer.

In order to demonstrate the highest ethical standards, we are committed to:

  • Developing local food and products sourcing
  • Promoting responsible products and ingredients
  • Cultivating ethical behaviour

Our 2025 targets:

  • 100% of suppliers have signed our responsible supplier charter
  • 100% of new staff and risk populations receive anti-bribery training
  • 100% of eggs purchased for our restaurants are cage-free (as of end of 2023, 64% of the eggs purchased globally are cage-free)

France’s responsible product commitments for 2022:

  • 50% of the catering offer reserved to local, organic, sustainable or labelled products
  • 80% of French products sold in wholly-owned brands


We are offering our People an inclusive and stimulating work environment where everyone can thrive.

We place people at the heart of our strategy and we want to be recognized as the most attractive employer in the travel retail industry. We are committed to:

  • Ensuring security and well-being at work
  • Promoting employee engagement
  • Fostering diversity and equal opportunities

Our 2025 targets:

  • 50-50 gender balance within Top Executive teams
  • 100% of managers receive diversity & inclusion awareness training


We leverage our global capabilities to best serve the local Communities wherever we operate.

We are committed to:

  • Supporting local communities
  • Encouraging and facilitating volunteering
  • Leveraging our network to make donations

2025 targets:

  • 0,5% of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) are donated
  • 100% of countries have developed initiatives to support local communities


CSR Strategy and Report

PEPS Strategy